So. I’m sitting in a converter doonga, a small Nepalese boat,under a thatched and corrugated iron roof, in front of a beautiful stone cottage, looking out at a secluded garden, Fewa lake in the distance and a gorgeous dog, Prudence, lying next to me, and we are sheltering from the crazy monsoon rain. Yep, it’s as lovely as it sounds. The rain can last for hours, so Prudence and I will just stay dry, watch the occasional hornet that we are trying to avoid, and grab another coffee. Or one of those yummy Nepalese peanut biscuits we’ve discovered.
This is petsitting in Pokhara in the monsoon. Rain, then heat. And then, a little more rain. The road to our house is a river. Literally. The other entrance is all rice paddies. They have a beauty all of their own. I’ve even done some planting with Manju and her family on their plot. Manju is our lovely housekeeper; she comes most days for a few hours, then goes and studies Management. She does the usual stuff around the house; she’s invaluable actually, and a highlight of our time here. Though her speciality is dal bhat. An awesome local curry. She makes it for us every few days. My old weightwatchers leader once stated I’ll never get to my goal if I keep eating curry. Who cares? It’s just so good! Thanks Manju!
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